Steps towards gender sensitive conflict analysis

Commitments to undertake gender-sensitive conflict analysis have been included in a number of national action plans on Women, Peace and Security in recent years. Since the start of 2019, we’ve been running interviews and workshops with peacebuilding and policy professionals from around the world to better understand how this analysis is being undertaken.

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Our staff

We are a team of over 80 peacebuilders and passionate people dedicated to resolving conflict and making the world safer – supported by a diverse and committed board of trustees.

Annual Report 2018

There are no easy solutions for resolving conflict peacefully. So, the world urgently needs to find different ways to respond. Our Annual Report 2018 demonstrates how we are making peace possible.

What we focus on

Over the years, we have gained experience and expertise in a number of areas relating to addressing conflict. We prioritise these topics in our practical peacebuilding work and research.

Global Initiatives

Violence does not respect boundaries, and does not arise in a vacuum. Some of our work spans multiple regions to explore and share common strategies for resolving conflict peacefully.

Regional Programmes

Our work focuses on a number of different conflicts and situations, covering seven regions. Every conflict is uniquely complex, so we always work with our partners on the ground to analyse and understand the dynamics in each region, and tailor our responses.

Our Organisation

In 1994, our founders had a vision: to transform the way the world resolves violent conflict so people work together to build peaceful and inclusive societies. A quarter of a century later, we continue to strive towards that vision, bringing people together to find creative and sustainable paths to peace.
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