Ardline Davies


Ardline joined Conciliations Resources in July 2022, where she works on governance and leads on compliance, security and Keeping People Safe. 

Prior to joining Conciliation Resources, Ardline worked in fundraising operations for a national children's charity. 

Ardline has an MA in Human Rights and International Relations. 

Acknowledging societal trauma in Nagorny Karabakh

Providing psychosocial rehabilitation and addressing trauma as a consequence of war is generally understood as an important element of supporting communities after the conflict has subsided. But according to Larissa Sotieva and Juliet Schofield of conflict transformation organisation Indie Peace, what is less understood is the way in which trauma is also a driver of conflict, and how trauma influences social and political dynamics before and after a violent conflict. This lack of understanding of the effect of societal trauma – of how people’s emotions, fears and aspirations influence conflict dynamics – means that peacebuilding has failed to take this into consideration in the past.

Prospects for Dialogue: Community Perspectives from Armenia

Since the end of the 2020 Karabakh war, perspectives on dialogue and peace initiatives between Armenia and Azerbaijan have been dominated by top-down, often geopoliticised discussions of regional connectivity, transit routes and the potential for revived economic relations. While these discussions offer important forward-looking perspectives, less prominent are the voices of those most directly affected by the consequences of the 2020 war and those with the most direct stake in possible new border openings and revived communications. This briefing presents the results of a scoping exercise eliciting community perspectives on dialogue, conducted in Armenia in July-November 2021.

The Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC)

The Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) is a regional economic bloc in Kenya, composed of the County Governments of Lamu, Tana River, Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, Isiolo, Turkana, Samburu and West Pokot in the aftermath of devolution.

Registered formally in March 2016, the Council promotes cooperation, coordination and information sharing between Counties in view of strengthening devolution, enhancing socioeconomic development and promoting peaceful coexistence among its members.

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