Cat Seaton


Cat joined Conciliation Resources in 2022, and as Head of the Development Team leads on the development and implementation of Conciliation Resources’ strategy to maintain, grow and diversify its income. Cat is responsible for donor relationship management and funding development; strategy planning and management; and providing technical advice and support on proposal coordination to other staff members.

Unlocking the power of peacebuilding in Kashmir through art

“I’m a peacebuilder, a mediator, a healer and a reconciliator. I wear many hats.” Another one of those hats is as a long-time partner of Conciliation Resources. Ezabir Ali has led peacebuilding programmes along the Line of Control in Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir focusing specifically on the rights of women affected by the conflict. Her work with women has sought to build peace across sectarian divides, deal with the trauma of protracted conflict and advocate for women’s rights in the complex legal systems which are often stacked against them. Recently she has been supporting women to deal with conflict through art and creative writing.

Taking Steps to Peace around the world

Following on from our first ever Steps to Peace challenge event in 2020, this September Conciliation Resources' supporters, partners and staff once again took steps to raise vital funds for peacebuilders around the world. 

Stories from along the Line of Control

This month, a team of peace and environmental activists completed a two-day mountain hike in Jammu and Kashmir along the Line of Control, which divides territories administered by India and Pakistan. This dividing line is contested by India, Pakistan and Kashmiris on both sides, and communities in this area often experience heavy artillery and shelling by the militaries of the two countries.

Towards peaceful and plural politics in Afghanistan

This report is intended as an initial contribution to the process of making sense of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and its implications for peacemaking in Afghanistan. The overriding question is: in the light of the profound changes in Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover, what needs to be done to get the country back on course towards sustainable peace?

What are the challenges and opportunities for peacebuilding in Hela?

Hela province in Papua New Guinea is experiencing significant rates of violent conflict. Over the past few decades, violence has escalated in scale and intensity. High levels of violence have had devastating effects on the people of Hela, including death, physical suffering, trauma, destruction of property, mass displacement and gender-based violence.

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