News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

March 2012
The Kony 2012 viral campaign has caused a media storm. It’s been successful in bringing the LRA conflict to the attention of an audience who hadn't previously heard of Joseph Kony or the violence that's been terrorising people in East and Central Africa for decades. But we urge that there can be no purely military solution to this problem. There must be a political solution that promotes civilian security. Find out how we’re helping communities cope with the conflict and build peace.
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March 2012

Доведение до сведения лиц, ответственных за выработку международной политики, мнений местного населения в пострадавших от конфликтов регионах является незаменимой мерой в деле разработки адекватной политики и необходимых программ. Для того, чтобы добиться позитивных сдвигов в этом направлении, «Ресурсы примирения» осуществила совместный 18-ти месячный проект с еще одним партнером в области построения мира, организацией Saferworld, и в настоящее время мы вместе представляем вниманию Брюсселя уроки, извлеченные из всех проведенных нами 18-ти национальных и региональныx анализов конфликтов.

March 2012
Recent developments in Colombia suggest that the government and FARC each now recognise that violence is not solved by more violence. In a Spanish article for Razón Pública, Kristian Herbolzheimer, Director of our Colombia and Philippines programmes, suggests that Colombia can learn lessons from its own past – both its successes and mistakes – to identify a new approach that is far more inclusive than peace negotiations. Both sides have taken important steps but the challenge remains to define the roadmap to peace.
March 2012
We've been working with peacebuilding partner Saferworld on an 18-month project to bring the opinions of local people in conflict-affected communities to the attention of national and international policymakers. Now, together in Brussels, we're presenting the lessons learnt from all 18 national and regional conflict analyses. Find out more about the project and watch a short film that explains why the voices of people most affected by conflict must be heard when policy and programming decisions are being considered.
February 2012
Engaging armed groups was on the agenda for students at the London School of Economics recently when Sophie Haspeslagh, Conciliation Resources’ Policy Analyst, shared her knowledge and experience during a seminar. In discussion with Masters students on the Peace and Conflict Studies programme, Sophie highlighted the benefits of choosing to engage all parties in negotiations but also the pitfalls imposed by proscription. How can a peaceful settlement be reached if negotiators are prevented from talking with those who are central to the conflict?
February 2012
Eleven years after the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women in conflict and peace, the gap between policy and practice remains huge. While government and rebels in the Philippines have women represented on their peace panels, there is a lot more that can be done to have women’s voices and expertise heard at the peace talks and in the post-agreement implementation. Conciliation Resources contributed to a recent peacebuilding forum in Manila which discussed options for a process that could lead to an International Action Plan on women, peace and security in the Philippines.
February 2012
Building peace takes time but we make commitments to support our partners for the long-term. In countries affected by the Lord's Resistance Army conflict, we've recently taken part in workshops focusing on strategies to deal with land disputes arising out of the violence, and are supporting women in discussions about how to cope with the conflict. We're there for as long as we're needed to provide advice, support and practical resources.
December 2011

Policymakers, donors and civil society representatives met in Busan, Korea in November with the aim of reviewing global progress on development aid.

December 2011

In a major advance towards enhancing cross-Line of Control (LoC) cooperation in Jammu and Kashmir, 10 major business organisations – for the first time including traders' associations from both sides – have reinvigorated the Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry founded in 2008.

November 2011
In early November the Colombian army killed Alfonso Cano, the head of Farc (the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). Responding to recent developments, Kristian Herbolzheimer of Conciliation Resources makes the case in the Guardian that Colombia needs to fundamentally rethink its approach and design a participatory peace process.
November 2011
We are in the final stages of preparing a new Accord for publication in December which explores the war to peace transitions of Liberia and Sierra Leone. This Accord also forms part of the wider People's Peacemaking Perspectives project. Through analysing the impact of peacebuilding initiatives and current conflict dynamics it identifies possible measures to prevent conflict and consolidate peace, as well as drawing out broader lessons for peacebuilding.