News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

August 2016

Colombia está cerrando un conflicto armado que ha durado más de 50 años. Esta infografía resalta las innovaciones en las negociaciones de paz de Colombia que pueden tener relevancia en otros procesos de paz del mundo.

August 2016

In August 2014 the World Health Organisation declared Ebola a ‘global health emergency’. Two years on, the health crisis has passed but the epidemic caused social divisions and tensions that are still having repercussions today.

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August 2016

El Gobierno Colombiano y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) anunciaron el acuerdo final de paz, con el cual termina un conflicto aparentemente irresoluble. No fue fácil llegar a este acuerdo dado que el conflicto se prologó durante más de cinco décadas y dejó más de ocho millones de víctimas.

August 2016

This infographic highlights the innovations in Colombia's peace negotiations that may have relevance for other peace processes around the world.

July 2016

Still hungover from the recent “Brexit” vote, the world attends with a mix of anticipation and anxiety the nomination of Donald Trump as the Republican candidate in the US. Two economic and political powerhouses taking a turn inwards, looking for easy answers to some of our globalised world’s most difficult questions. Where does dialogue fit in all of this? Wearing both his hats as a dialogue practitioner and a British citizen, mediatEUr’s Martin Leng explores the implications of Brexit and reflects on what the rise of populist politics says about our capacity to listen to each other.

July 2016

Conciliation Resources' Colombia Programme Director, Kristian Herbolzheimer, was interviewed for The Inquiry, part of the BBC World Service, on the reintegration of FARC fighters following the end of the Colombian armed conflict.

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July 2016

Si la menace de la propagation d’Ebola a maintenant disparu, l’impact de cette épidémie dévastatrice se fait encore sentir dans les communautés frontalières de la région du fleuve Mano en Afrique de l’Ouest.

June 2016

mediatEUr was invited to give input on the Roundtable on Uses of ICTs for EU Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding. Miguel Varela, our Dialogue and Innovation Officer, shared our view from the work we have been doing in the last two years.

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June 2016

El Gobierno Colombiano y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) anunciaron un histórico cese al fuego. Este acuerdo le pone fin efectivo al último conflicto armado interno del hemisferio occidental, en el cual ha habido más de 220.000 muertos y han sido desplazadas millones de personas durante medio siglo.

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June 2016

Conciliation Resources a commencé à travailler à un nouveau projet destiné à accroître la participation des femmes aux efforts locaux, nationaux et transfrontaliers de consolidation de la paix en République démocratique du Congo, en République centrafricaine et au Soudan du Sud.

June 2016
Ebola was not just a health crisis. In the already tense border regions of West Africa the epidemic, and attempts to control it, sparked fresh waves of violence. Conciliation Resources has been supporting local peacebuilders to reunite and reconcile communities, survivors and local authorities.
June 2016

Dr Emma Leslie, an associate of the Philippines programme, has been awarded a Member of the Order of Australia in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. The award was given for Dr Leslie’s work on peacebuilding and mediation – particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.