News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

May 2019

Through outreach towards communities and FARDC commanders, civil-military committees have created space for dialogue in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

May 2019
Our partner in Nigeria, Hope Interactive, has been awarded the 2019 LIVIA Award by the LIVIA Foundation in Denmark. The award is given to individuals or organisations from around the world who tackle conflict with courage, creativity and non-violence.
April 2019

Last month a peace agreement was signed between the Government of the Central African Republic and 14 armed groups, following talks in Sudan.

April 2019
Are you working to build peaceful and inclusive societies? Do you support local-level work to improve access to justice? Have you been working to promote women’s political participation? Join our latest campaign!
April 2019

Last week, representatives from Conciliation Resources joined leaders and members of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), as they announced their intention to form a political party and end over 20 years of armed opposition against the Ethiopian government.

March 2019

At the end of February, mediatEUr members Luis Peral and David Price, assisted by our Project Assistant Esther Kestemont, went to Jordan in order to accomplish the first mission of our Future of Syria project, funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and with financial and logistics support from the Nizami Ganjavi International Center.

March 2019

At the request of the EEAS, mediatEUr was honoured to organise today (8th of March) a high-level meeting with H. E. President Faustin Archange Touadéra on the peace agreement in Central African Republic.

March 2019
Commitments to undertake gender-sensitive conflict analysis have been included in a number of national action plans on Women, Peace and Security in recent years. Since the start of 2019, we’ve been running interviews and workshops with peacebuilding and policy professionals from around the world to better understand how this analysis is being undertaken.
March 2019

Women Mediators across the Commonwealth (WMC) is a network that connects women with a broad range of experiences - from mediating conflicts at the community level to formally mediating conflicts as part of official peace processes. In this film, members of the network discuss why Women Mediators across the Commonwealth is needed, and what makes this network so unique.

March 2019
There is an increasing recognition that the causes of conflict are gendered, and that applying a gender perspective in any analysis is essential to tackling conflict at its roots. There can be no one-size-fits-all approach to doing this, but here are some ‘good practice’ principles that can be applied to a gender-sensitive conflict analysis:
March 2019

In this film, Accord authors Christine Bell, Yusuf Hassan, Deepak Thapa and Graeme Simpson discuss why inclusion matters for peace, and what you can expect from the publication.

February 2019

This article is written by Christine Bell and is taken from our latest Accord: 'Navigating inclusion in peace processes.'