News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

September 2019

In January 2019, following a meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers in Paris, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe announced that the ministers had agreed on the necessity of ‘preparing their populations for peace’. This commitment, alongside a significant reduction in frontline violence and the power transition in Armenia, has driven speculation that the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace process may be gaining momentum.

September 2019

mediatEUr supported the organisation of the High-Level Internal Peer-Coaching Seminar on "Mediation Diplomacy in the Context of the EU Common Foreign Policy" alongside the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in La Hulpe (Brussels) on the 9th and 10th September 2019.

September 2019

The Colombian peace process has reached a critical juncture. On 29 August, ex-FARC guerrilla members announced that they were taking up arms once again. It’s certainly a blow – but it could also be the spark needed to re-ignite the flagging peace process.

September 2019

Conciliation Resources has joined over 20 peacebuilding organisations around the world to launch the first ever global Peacebuilding Action Week from September 14-21, 2019.

September 2019

Boko Haram began like many other Islamic movements - geared towards promoting religious values. Their vision of building an Islamic State, and replacing the existing Government that they see as corrupt and ineffective, was attractive to many. They quickly established a system of leadership that was capable of recruiting and retaining members, as well as combatants.

August 2019

The relationship between human rights and peacebuilding has been increasingly recognised by international organisations in recent years.

July 2019

“Nothing remains constant except change itself”: 2018 was a year of changes and progression.

July 2019

In collaboration with the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the partners of the EEAS Framework Contract for Conflict Prevention and Mediation, mediatEUr organised the first Community of Practice (CoP) meeting on peace mediation in Brussels on the 26th of June.

July 2019

It’s now almost two decades since the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement – an agreement that ended nearly a decade of violent conflict and saw the creation of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville within Papua New Guinea. Significant progress towards peace has been made in the region, but legacies of the conflict still present challenges – including for former combatants and the communities they live in.

July 2019

We are heartbroken to announce the sudden death of our Board member, Luis Peral.

July 2019

With the UN-led High Level Political Forum starting this week, the world’s attention turns to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year, the theme is 'Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality', a topic of significant relevance to peacebuilding organisations like Conciliation Resources.

June 2019

Conflict is difficult, complex and political. There are no easy solutions for resolving conflict peacefully. So, the world urgently needs to find different ways to respond. Our Annual Report 2018 demonstrates how we are making peace possible.