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Civic peace initiatives

A table of civic peace initiatives categorised by objectives and scope.

A table of civic peace initiatives categorised by objectives and scope.

Civic peace initiatives

A table of civic peace initiatives categorised by objectives and scope.



Categories 1

National initiatives

Regional initiatives

Local initiatives

Protection, defence and resistence to violence

Citizen’s Mandate for Peace, Life and Liberty; The "No Más" Movement; Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres; Conscientous Objector’s Group

Bajo Atrato Peace Communities; ‘Nasa’ project

San Jose de Apartado Peace Community; Self-Determination, Life and Dignity Communities of Cacarica (CAVIDA); Women in Black; Murindo Committee of All United 
for Life and Peace; Public Consultation of Aguachica

Peace education

Children’s Movement for Peace; Media for Peace; Peace Week; National Pilgrimage for Life, Justice and Peace; Movement for Non-Violence in Colombia;

School of Peace and Cohabitation; Montes de María Communications Collective; Network for Community Justice and Treatment of Conflicts;


Deepening democracy

Strengthening of Marginalised Sectors (Planeta Paz); Initiative for the Monitoring of Plan Colombia (Paz Colombia); Citizens’s Working Groups for an Agenda for Peace; School for the Development of Democratic Leadership (Viva la Ciudadania) ; Initiative of Colombian Women for Peace; National Network of Women for Peace

Antioquia Constituent Assembly; Govenors of the South of the Country; Peace Laboratory of 
Eastern Antioquia;

Mogotes Constituent Assembly, Santander; Tarso Constituent Assembly, Antioquia; Micoahumano Constituent Assembly, Bolívar; Carare-Opón Campesinos Association; Municipality of Argelia Community Peace Assembly (ACPM); Municipal Council of Conciliation and Social Development of San Luis, Antioquia

Dialogue and negotiation

National Conciliation Commission; National Peace Council; National Network of Mayors for Peace; Civilian Facilitation Commission (ELN process)

Association of Municipalities of Alto Ariari (Ama); Departmental Councils for Peace

Municipal Peace Councils

Peace and development


Implementation Group for the Sustainable Development of Casanare; the 15 Peace and Development Programmes


Organisation and Implementation

REDEPAZ; Permanent Assembly 
of Civil Society for Peace; National Alliance of Women Against War and for Peace; University Network for Peace; Businessmen for Peace

Departmental Working Groups for Peace; National Solidarity Network (Pueblos Hermanos Lazos Visibles);

100 Peace Municipalities 
and Territories


Issue editor

Mauricio García-Durán


Mauricio García-Durán is a Jesuit priest and currently Executive Director of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Colombia. He has spent the last 25 years researching peace processes and social mobilisation for peace in Colombia. In addition, he has worked with displaced populations for the Center for Research and Popular Education (CINEP), where he was Executive Director between 2007 and 2012. He was issue editor of Accord 14: Alternatives to War – Colombia’s peace processes (2004).

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