Peace Research Partnership
Over the course of three years, the partners produced extensive research and recommendations on inclusive peace processes (Conciliation Resources), inclusive economic development (International Alert), and on inclusive security and justice, and decentralisation (Saferworld), as well as on gender and peacebuilding. Now, in its fourth year, PRP is working with FCDO and the UK government to design and test practical methods to apply the evidence produced to date.
- how to support peace and transition processes to deliver inclusive outcomes
- how to support armed actors’ transition out of violence
- how to support gender-sensitive conflict analysis and programming in practice
Effective support for peace and transition processes
Under this theme, in years one to three we explored how inclusion is negotiated in elite-led peace processes and political settlements in five conflict-affected contexts; Nepal, Colombia, the Somali region of Ethiopia (Ogaden), Nigeria and Bougainville, an autonomous region in Papua New Guinea. We also explored how international and national actors can effectively support inclusion. We looked at the strategies used by different groups to influence political settlements, their experiences of achieving political change, and the formal and informal barriers faced.
We also explored the political participation and inclusion of gender and sexual minorities in peace processes drawing on case studies from Colombia and Nigeria. Research on the inclusion and contributions of people with disabilities in peacebuilding processes, highlights the gaps in evidence and asks what might be done to support their meaningful participation.
Research on community level peace platforms in the Philippines and northern Kenya generated practical learning on how local peacebuilders can navigate elite resistance to their inclusion in decision-making on peace and security matters. The Kenya research helped identify obstacles to the effective functioning of inclusive Local Peace Committees (LPCs). In year four Conciliation Resources is accompanying an inclusive process of policy and legal reform aimed at addressing ambiguities and improving coherence between local peace architectures at different levels of government(s). Practical support and testing of hypotheses will underpin learning and operational conclusions on how to support inclusion at local level, particularly in devolved contexts.
Drawing on case studies and critical analysis of Conciliation Resources’ own practice we have identified practical lessons on how partnership with local civil society organisations support inclusive and transformative peace processes and peacebuilding. Using a similar approach we are now looking at how, and under what conditions, different forms of dialogue between diverse actors support processes of peaceful and inclusive change.
In year four Conciliation Resources is also scoping current approaches, challenges and questions for initiatives dealing with the legacies of past violence and conflict. The aim is to improve understanding of how to support ways to deal with the past to enhance inclusion in societies transitioning from war to peace. Scoping of evidence and lessons will build on established practice and research by Conciliation Resources including a 2016 Accord publication Transforming broken relationships: making peace with the past which documented and analysed case studies from four different contexts.
Pathways out of violence for armed groups
In northeast Nigeria, research draws on perspectives and experiences of local communities and ex-combatants. Findings provide guidance for how local, national and international responses to the Boko Haram insurgency and its offshoot Islamic State in West Africa can involve local people, to tap into their potential and be more responsive to their priorities and needs.
In Afghanistan, analysis looks at sticking points inhibiting progress in track one dialogue with the Taliban and explores how local reconciliation initiatives with communities and governance structures can reduce violence and help move the Afghan peace process forward.
Findings from Nigeria, Afghanistan and elsewhere will be synthesised to build practical options for how local peacemaking with armed groups can provide effective and inclusive pathways out of violence in the midst of armed conflict.
Gender-sensitive conflict analysis and practice
Together we have drawn lessons from experiences of peacebuilding practitioners and policy actors on how to conduct and use gender-sensitive conflict analysis in practice. Research on our peacebuilding practice in a number of Conciliation Resources' contexts including Kashmir and the Democratic Republic of Congo will focus on how gender-sensitive conflict analysis can shed light on complex and violent masculinities in conflict-affected contexts and the benefits for peace practice of doing so.
Research and reports
Below, you can explore the research reports, films, infographics and in-depth articles produced by Conciliation Resources as part of the Peace Research Partnership. Visit their websites to explore the publications produced by our consortium partners International Alert and Saferworld.