News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

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February 2014

ITN's Truthloader reports on the ongoing crisis in Central African Republic, including an interview with East and Central Africa Projects Manager Caesar Poblicks on the causes of the conflict.

February 2014
The Winter Olympics in the Russian city of Sochi have received much attention and scrutiny. Yet less is known about Sochi's neighbours in the fragile South Caucasus.
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February 2014

Caesar Poblicks, East and Central Africa Projects Manager, talks to ITN's Truthloader about the oversimplification of media coverage of the Central African Republic crisis.

January 2014
A landmark consensus agreed by Islamic scholars (Ulema) regarding the waiting period for ‘half-widows’ to remarry in four years will have an unprecedented impact on the lives of Kashmir’s forgotten survivors. Decades of conflict have produced many half-widows, women whose husbands have disappeared but are not yet declared deceased.
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January 2014

Caesar Poblicks, East and Central Africa Programme Projects Manager, talks to Al-Jazeera English about the nature of the crisis in Central African Republic and the need to support community-based reconciliation and dialogue, as Catherine Samba-Panza is sworn in as interim president following Michel Djotodia's resignation.

January 2014
Conciliation Resources congratulates the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) who, after 16 years of negotiations, have completed the negotiations for a Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) that settles one of the most protracted armed conflicts in the world.
December 2013

This week, I had the opportunity to participate as a trainer and facilitator in a workshop on 'Dealing with Election-Related Violence' organized by the European Centre for Electoral Support and the Leadership Beyond Boundaries, supported by the Osservatoria di Pavia, and convened by the Barcelona Peace Centre. It all started with the film ‘An African Election’ directed by Jarreth Merz, a great inspiration for the attendees.

December 2013
The Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) have come to an agreement on the crucial Annex on Power Sharing. The signing is yet another step towards finally resolving the decades-long armed conflict that has claimed tens of thousands lives in the southern Philippines.
December 2013
Conciliation Resources is pleased to announce the appointment of new Africa director, Nicola Dahrendorf. Nicola will begin her new role on 6 January 2014. With over twenty years experience in policy, practice and research in the international arena, Nicola has a wide spectrum of experience working in conflict regions in Africa in support of peacebuilding.
November 2013
The European Partnership for the Peaceful Settlement of the Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh (EPNK) has launched a new website, providing information about the EPNK for anyone looking to find out more about initiatives to build peace in the region
November 2013

L’organisation internationale d’établissement de la paix Conciliation Resources se réjouit du projet de loi présenté à la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis en novembre 2013. La Humanitarian Assistance Facilitation Act (HAFA) a pour principal objectif de supprimer les barrières entravant la prestation d’aide humanitaire dans les zones contrôlées par des groupes armés proscrits.

November 2013
Conciliation Resources, launched its first Accord Insight publication: Women Building Peace, at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) in Oslo, Norway on Monday 11 November. The report looks at how women have contributed to peace and reconciliation globally and features first-hand accounts of women’s peacebuilding experiences.