News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

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July 2014

Peace is not just the absence of war or conflict. For indigenous women like me, peace is about kefiyo fédéw (peaceful feeling).

July 2014
David Anderson QC, the UK’s Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, has recommended greater dialogue between charities and government departments on counter-terrorism policies. We explain why this recommendation is necessary and welcomed by peacebuilders.
July 2014

David Anderson QC, el evaluador independiente de la ley de prevención del terrorismo del Reino Unido, ha recomendado un mayor diálogo entre las organizaciones benéficas y departamentos del gobierno sobre las políticas antiterroristas. Explicamos por qué esta recomendación es necesario y bien recibido por los constructores de paz.

July 2014

Fin juillet 2014, David Anderson, examinateur indépendant du Royaume-Uni de la législation sur le terrorisme, a recommandé un dialogue entre les organisations caritatives et les départements gouvernementaux sur les politiques antiterrorisme. Nous expliquons pourquoi cette recommandation est nécessaire et bien accueillie par les artisans de paix.

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June 2014

После прекращения огня в 1994 году Азербайджан и Армения находятся в тупиковом положении из-за оспариваемого региона Нагорного Карабаха. Идущий при поддержке международных участников мирный процесс, на основе закрытых переговоров между лидерами, привел к выдвижению ряда предложений, но не достиг соглашения.

June 2014
From 10-13 June 2014, the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict will take place at the ExCel Centre in London. As part of the summit, Conciliation Resources is organising two free, open events.
June 2014
Since the ceasefire in 1994 Azerbaijan and Armenia have remained in deadlock over the disputed Nagorny Karabakh region. On 13 June 2014, Conciliation Resources hosted an event and exhibition in Tbilisi, looking at perspectives for peace since the Nagorny Karabakh ceasefire twenty years ago.
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May 2014

For the first time, filmmakers from both sides of the Line of Control have collaboratively made a film on life in Jammu and Kashmir. Faith Divided is the second documentary of a planned trilogy on Jammu and Kashmir that highlight the impact of conflict on the lives of communities on either side of the divide.

May 2014

Pour la première fois, les 25 éditions des publications Accord de Conciliation Resources sont disponibles, dès maintenant, pour être téléchargées gratuitement sous forme

May 2014
For the first time, film makers from both sides of the Line of Control have collaboratively made a film on life in Jammu and Kashmir. Faith Divided looks at the impact of conflict on the lives of communities on either side of the divide.
May 2014

Por primera vez, las 25 ediciones de la publicación Accord de Conciliation Resources pueden ser descargadas como libros electrónicos.

May 2014
With the signing of the Mindanao peace agreement in March the demand for increased jobs and development is high. During a visit by an EU delegation local business community came together to discuss future economic development and expectations.