News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

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October 2015

This week marks seven years of trade across the militarised Line of Control (LoC). As the anniversary is celebrated those involved question if it is time for the governments to take this trade to the next level.

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September 2015

Directrice des programmes du comité de paix local du 5e arrondissement de Bangui, Barbara Sanga, 22 ans, est très impliquée aux côtés des femmes de sa communauté.Elle retrace son parcours de chef de file des jeunes en faveur de la paix et explique pourquoi les femmes ont un rôle clé à tenir dans la consolidation de la paix en République centrafricaine.

September 2015

Join us next Friday 18 September for a conversation on Colombian migration and exile. It will also look at ways that those who have lived through it can utilise their experiences to contribute to the Colombian peace process

September 2015

A shared statement by peacebuilding organisations - 21 September 2015

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September 2015

Los invitamos el próximo Viernes 18 de Septiembre de 7pm a 9pm a unirse a la conversación sobre la migración y el exilio y la construcción de memoria histórica. También se explorará cómo se puede utilizar sus experiencias para contribuir al proceso de paz en Colombia.

September 2015

Barbara Sanga, 22 years old, shares her journey as a youth peace leader and why women have a key role to play in peacebuilding in the Central African Republic.

September 2015

The first national Peace Week in the Central African Republic was launched last Friday 18 September. The festival of inclusivity focused on themes of peace and social cohesion, reconciliation and the application of the rule of law.

August 2015

The Interfaith Peace Platform has won an international peace award for its work to reconcile Muslims and Christians in the hope of restoring lasting peace in the Central African Republic.

August 2015

Our newly designed website is here to help make your exploration of our work easier, plus it is now responsive so looks great on mobiles and tablets.

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August 2015

La plateforme interreligieuse pour la paix, Interfaith Peace Platform, a remporté un prix international de la paix pour son travail de réconciliation entre les communautés musulmanes et chrétiennes dans l’espoir de rétablir durablement la paix en République centrafricaine (RCA).

August 2015

The first ever cross Line of Control (LoC) forum for journalists analysed the role of media on both sides of Kashmir in the context of peacebuilding in the region.

July 2015
Emma, 23 year old student from Bangui, is an active member of a local peace committee established by young people with support from Conciliation Resources. Get to know why she believes peace is essential.