News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

February 2016

Orphelia, an Ebola survivor who worked with Loguatuo District Platform for Dialogue (DPD) found herself stigmatised and ostracised when she returned home. Our mediation efforts have helped Orphelia to successfully reintegrate and 'the community is at one again'.

February 2016

The UN will deploy a political mission to Colombia to verify the forthcoming ceasefire. This mission is fundamental to strengthen public confidence in a peace process that may end the longest armed conflict in the American continent.

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February 2016

En août 2014, le mari d’Orphelia est tombé malade. Certes, elle avait entendu parler d’Ebola à la radio, mais peu de gens dans sa communauté croyaient véritablement à son existence. Jamais une telle maladie n’avait atteint les communautés frontalières reculées dans le comté de Nimba au Libéria.

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February 2016

Lamentamos informarles que el conversatorio con la Sub Comisión de Género ha sido cancelado. Nueva fecha por definir.

January 2016

After twenty-one years leading Conciliation Resources, co-founder and Executive Director Andy Carl is leaving the organisation. Andy has been a continuous source of inspiration, guiding Conciliation Resources to become a recognised force for peace around the world.

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January 2016

Спустя двадцать один год во главе «Ресурсов примирения» соучредитель и исполнительный директор Энди Карл покидает свой пост.

January 2016

Meet 20-year-old Ngala who is helping to reduce tensions within his community as the chairman of a local peace committee.

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January 2016

Después de dirigir a Conciliation Resources durante veintiún años, su cofundador y Director Ejecutivo, Andy Carl, emprende una nueva etapa. Andy ha sido una fuente constante de inspiración y conocimiento, llevando a Conciliation Resources a convertirse en una fuerza reconocida a favor de la paz en todo el mundo.

January 2016

Enjoy our top three most viewed multimedia items from the past year. We were pleased to see these grabbed the attention of our peacebuilding community.
Are your favourites in there?

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January 2016

Ngala, 20 ans, vit à Bangui, la capitale de la République centrafricaine, où il est étudiant. Il est le président du comité de paix local du 4e arrondissement qui contribue à réduire les tensions au sein de la communauté. Un aspect de son travail consiste à réunir les musulmans et les chrétiens.

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January 2016

Après 21 ans à la tête de Conciliation Resources, son cofondateur et directeur exécutif, Andy Carl, a décidé de passer à autre chose. Durant ces deux décennies, il n’a cessé d’être une source d’inspiration et de connaissances pour faire de Conciliation Resources un acteur reconnu de la paix dans le monde entier.

December 2015

This international volunteer day we wanted to put the spotlight on one of them, and find out why she chose to volunteer. Anita Bianchi is coming to the end of three months volunteering with our Partnership Development team. She explains her role and motivations.