News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

May 2017
This year’s Women and War festival will include a day dedicated to Colombian women migrants, many of whom left the country during more than fifty years of conflict.
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April 2017

On a estimé qu’au plus fort de la crise Ebola, 75 % des personnes contaminées étaient des femmes.Au vu de leur rôle prépondérant dans les soins et l’aide apportés aux malades, en tant qu’infirmières ou commerçantes, les femmes se sont retrouvées en première ligne face au virus, et de ce fait, ont souvent été rejetées par leur communauté. Trois ans après le début de la crise, Conciliation Resources et ses partenaires en Afrique de l’Ouest continuent de soutenir des plateformes de paix locales pour mettre fin aux divisions causées par l’épidémie.

April 2017
Conciliation Resources is expanding its programme in the Horn of Africa with the launch of new work in northern Kenya.
April 2017
Ten years on from the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Nepal that ended a decade-long civil war, Conciliation Resources’ new Accord publication examines the country’s peace process.
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March 2017
Irfan Dar is a filmmaker from the Kashmir Valley in Indian-administered Kashmir. Alongside his other projects, he is working on joint films with filmmakers on the other side of Kashmir.
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March 2017
Atia Anwer Zoon works across Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit-Baltistan in the Pakistan-administered part of Kashmir.
March 2017
Conciliation Resources’ partners, Atia Anwar and Ezabir Ali are working independently on either side of the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir with women affected by the on-going conflict.
March 2017
After nearly 60 years of conflict, the Basque separatist group ETA has announced its decision to lay down its weapons by April 8. Our Colombia Programme Director Kristian Herbolzheimer has been discussing the role of civil society in disarmament in the Basque Country with Al Jazeera English
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March 2017
Mohammed Arif Urfi is a journalist, photographer and filmmaker based in the Pakistan-administered part of Kashmir. He often works along the Line of Control (LoC), reporting on events taking place there.
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March 2017
Shafat Ahmed works to develop the peacebuilding skills and awareness of communities across the Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Ladkh on the Indian-administered side of Kashmir.
March 2017
In 2017, the theme of The Commonwealth is 'a peacebuilding Commonwealth'. Conciliation Resources supports peacebuilding across the Commonwealth by hosting Commonwealth Fellows - mid-career professionals from other Commonwealth countries.
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March 2017
Ezabir Ali works with women across the Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Ladakh on the Indian-administered side of Kashmir.