News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

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July 2017
Un grupo de mujeres colombianas compartió sus historias de migración y sus esperanzas de futuro con centenares de visitantes a la edición anual  del Women and War: Exodus festival. 
July 2017

Conciliation Resources' trustee, Avila Kilmurray, attended Colombia's official reconciliation ceremony this month, where the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) handed over some of their last weapons, signifying an end to over 50 years of armed conflict.

July 2017

This week saw the launch of a new council of indigenous women in Colombia, which will work towards ensuring the voices of their respective communities are heard as the country moves towards peace.

July 2017
A group of inspiring Colombian women shared their stories of migration and hopes for the future with hundreds of visitors to this year’s Women and War: Exodus festival. 
June 2017

Last year, I was fortunate enough to be invited to the Initiatives for Change retreat on Land, Lives and Peace in Caux, Switzerland. A seemingly unlikely choice for me, but since I was involved in the Aceh peace process, the nexus between land and conflict was something of interest to me. Side by side with botanists, scientists and UN bureaucrats in the grand halls of Caux Peace Palace, I gave my perspective on the role of international peace mediation and the linkages with land degradation. My key point was this: mediation is about making the “pie” (the contentious issue) bigger, and land restoration – enhancing the usability of degraded land – is pretty much the same practice. Bringing degradation issues into peace negotiation would therefore be good news, increasing the potential for peacemaking.

June 2017

When I recently interviewed several experts on stabilisation approaches for a research project mediatEUr was requested to carry out for the EEAS, one definition of the term stuck with me for a very long time:

June 2017
Ana Victoria Bastidas arrived in the UK from Colombia more than twenty years ago, after being kidnapped by armed traffickers in the Colombian jungle. She has now made her home in London, and in 2008 began her journey to becoming the first female Colombian priest in the Anglican Church
June 2017
The South Asia region is prone to natural disasters, several of which have had a devastating impact in the Kashmir region. However there is currently very little work being done across the LoC to prepare for, and respond to, these disasters.
June 2017

A team of four filmmakers from both sides of the LoC in Kashmir have produced a new film to raise awareness of the importance of working across the divide to improve disaster management.

June 2017

Community leaders from across central and north Bougainville have spent much of the past month developing their peacebuilding skills, with training from the Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation (NCFR), supported by Conciliation Resources.

June 2017

After 25 years of civil war in Afghanistan, today progress towards a peace process is increasingly seen as central to securing a just and stable future. But to date, there has been little analysis of what a process might actually look like.

May 2017
This year’s Women and War festival will include a day dedicated to Colombian women migrants, many of whom left the country during more than fifty years of conflict.