News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

September 2017
Angelica Quintero is part of the Truth, Memory and Reconciliation Commission of Colombian Women in the Diaspora (TMRC). The initiative brings together women in London and Barcelona to share their stories and memories of conflict and migration, and to claim a voice in Colombia’s peace process.
September 2017

Helen Padua is a volunteer at the Teduray Lambangian Women’s Organisation (TLWOI), a federation of 35 community-based women’s organisations of indigenous peoples in the province of Maguindanao in the Philippines. The organisation aims to support the inclusion of indigenous women in decision-making processes, community development projects, and justice and peace. 

September 2017

John Demi has been chief of his township in Nimba County, Liberia, for over 20 years. His town borders Cote d’Ivoire, and as a town elder, John helps to mediate community and cross-border disputes. 

September 2017

Darwisa Jamilon, is a Tausug* from the island of Mindanao in The Philippines. She is a community organiser at the Bangsamoro Development Authority (BDA), which leads relief, rehabilitation and development projects in areas affected by the conflict between the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the Government of the Philippines.   

September 2017

Hassan Osman Shuri lives in Garissa, northern Kenya and is the secretary of the Garissa Township Peace Committee.

September 2017

Conciliation Resources and the Alliance for Peacebuilding have conducted the first ever national surveys of public attitudes in the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany towards peacebuilding, and dialogue with armed groups. Explore our infographic for some of the key findings from the surveys, and read the full report here. 

September 2017

Tatiana Vivienne is the founder and Executive Director of Femmes Hommes Action Plus (FHAP), an organisation that supports women who escape from the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) to return and reintegrate into their communities. Since 2008, an estimated 7,600 people were abducted by the LRA in South Sudan, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

September 2017
A new survey conducted by Conciliation Resources and the US-based Alliance for Peacebuilding, has found strong backing among Britons for the idea of engaging with armed groups – including those labelled as proscribed terrorist organisations – in order to resolve conflicts around the world.
September 2017

Over the last year, the Central African Republic has seen a dramatic increase in levels of violence.  An estimated two thirds of the country is controlled by armed groups and the province of Hotte Kotto is one of the worst affected. It is home to Ibrahim Abraham, and alongside our local partners, he is working to reunite communities.

September 2017

Mohammed Arif Urfi is a journalist and filmmaker based in Muzaffarabad, the capital of the Pakistani-administered side of Jammu and Kashmir. Along with three other filmmakers, from either side of the divided region, he has made a series of films highlighting the need for collaboration across the Line of Control (LoC).

September 2017

If you ask somebody ‘why are you fighting’ I’m not sure they would be able to tell you. 

September 2017

South Sudan may be the world’s youngest country, but the region has a long and turbulent history of conflict – and of peace. In the absence of formal governance, traditional processes to resolve conflict have held society together.