In this region, conflict affects people in various ways. Businesses stop, property is destroyed, people are murdered and the economy comes to a standstill. I play a great role in bringing people together so we can discuss ways of ending conflict.
Bringing people together in a conflict situation is very difficult because everybody is polarised. It needs a lot of time to encourage everybody to come to the table to discuss peace.
In my community we organise competitions, like marathons and football matches, and during these competitions we discuss the importance of living peacefully together. We also organise peace caravans to encourage people to talk to each other within the community and between different communities living in the region.
These have brought about unity among different communities, because when they come together, they begin to understand one another. Interaction is very important when it comes to peacebuilding, rather than isolating different groups.
As a civil servant, my job is to build peace among the community, so our region can develop. But also as a person, I want peace, because without peace I will not develop either.
Where we have conflicts, no body can say I am a winner, all are losers. But in a peace environment all are winners