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A list of selected Key Texts, Further Reading and Key Websites for reference.

A list of selected Key Texts, Further Reading and Key Websites for reference.

Key Texts

1979 Convention on the Prevention of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

1995 Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing

1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

31 October 2000 UNSCR 1325 addresses the impact of war on women, and women’s contributions to conflict resolution and sustainable peace

19 June 2008 UNSCR 1820 addresses the issue of widespread sexual violence in conflict

30 September 2009 UNSCR 1888 asks for greater efforts to address conflict-related sexual violence including more effective monitoring and reporting within the UN system

5 October 2009 UNSCR 1889 calls for increased participation of women at all levels of the peace process, particularly as high-level mediators and on mediation teams

September 2010 Report of the Secretary-General to the 65th session of the UNGA on women’s participation in peacebuilding

11 November 2010 Report of the Secretary-General on the protection of civilians in armed conflict…

16 December 2010 UNSCR 1960 highlights the slow progress made with regards promotion of women’s rights and the continued use of violence against women and children

22 May 2012 Report of the Secretary-General on the protection of civilians in armed conflict

Further Reading


Anderlini, S. ‘Peace Negotiations and Agreements’ in Inclusive Security, Sustainable Peace: A Toolkit for Advocacy and Action (International Alert and Inclusive Security, 2004), at 

Anderlini, S. & Tirman, J. (eds). What the women say: participation and UNSCR 1325 (Massachusetts: International Civil Society Action Network and MIT Center for International Studies, 2010)

Anderlini, S. Women Building Peace: What They Do, Why It Matters (Lynne Rienner, 2007)

Barnes, K. Women, Peace and Security: Translating Policy into Practice (Routledge, 2010)

Bouta, T., Frerks, G. & Bannon, I. Gender, conflict and development (Washington: The World Bank, 2005)

Caprioli, M. ‘Primed for violence: the role of gender inequality in predicting internal conflict’, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 2 (2005) 161–178

CARE. From resolution to reality: Lessons learned from Afghanistan, Nepal and Uganda on women’s participation in peacebuilding and post-conflict governance (London, CARE International UK, 2010)

Castillejo, C. ‘Building a state that works for women: integrating gender into post-conflict state building’, Working Paper no. 107 (FRIDE: Madrid, 2011)

Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue. From clause to effect: including women’s rights and gender in peace agreements (Geneva: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2012) 

Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue. Peacemaking in Asia and the Pacific: women’s participation, perspectives and priorities (Geneva: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2011)

Charlesworth, H. ‘Are women peaceful? Reflections on the role of women in peacebuilding’, Feminist Legal Studies No. 16, (2008) 347–61

Cockburn, C. ‘Gender Armed Conflict and Political Violence’, Background Paper (The World Bank, 1999)

Cockburn, C. & Zarkov D. (eds).‘Women’s organisation in the rebuilding of postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina’, The postwar moment: militaries, masculinities and international peacekeeping (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 2000)

Cohen, D .K., Green, A. & Wood, E.J. Wartime Sexual Violence Misconceptions, Implications, and Ways Forward (United States Institute of Peace, 2013)

El Bushra, J. & Sahl I. M.G. Cycles of Violence: Gender Relations and Armed Conflict (Nairobi/London: ACORD, 2005)

El Bushra, J. Gender in Peacebuilding: Taking Stock (London: International Alert, 2012)

El Bushra, J. Women building peace: sharing know-how (London: International Alert, 2003)

Elshtain, J.B. Women and War (University of Chicago Press, 1995)

EPLO. UNSCR 1325 in Europe: 21 case studies of implementation (EPLO, 2010) 

Goldstein, J. War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa (Cambridge University Press, 2001)

Human Security Report Project, Human Security Report 2012: Sexual Violence, Education, and War: Beyond the Mainstream Narrative (Vancouver: Human Security Press, 2012) 

International Alert. ‘Women’s political participation in countries emerging from conflict in the Great Lakes Region of Africa’, Report of the Consultation Workshop, Kampala, Uganda, 28–30 August 2007 (International Alert, 2007)

Kvinna till Kvinna. Engendering the peace Process – A Gender Approach to Dayton and Beyond (Kvinna till Kvinna, 2000) 

Mazurana, D. & McKay, S. Women and peacebuilding (Montreal: International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 1999)

OECD. ‘Supporting Statebuilding in Situations of Conflict and Fragility: Policy Guidance, DAC Guidelines and Reference Series (OECD Publishing, 2011)

Page M., Whitman T. & Anderson, C. Strategies for Policymakers: bringing women into peace negotiations (Institute for Inclusive Security, 2009)

Potter, A. G is for gendered: taking the mystery out of gendering peace agreements (Geneva: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2011)

Potter, A. Gender-sensitivity: necessity or nicety in peace process management? (Geneva: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2008)

Potter, A. We the women: why conflict mediation is not just a job for men (Geneva: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2005)

Schoofs, S., Nagarajan, C. & Abebe, L. Implementing Resolution 1325 in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone: charting a way forward (London: International Alert, 2010)

Theidon, K. & Phenicie, K. Gender, Conflict, and Peacebuilding (United States Institute of Peace, 2011) 

UN WOMEN. ‘Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations: Connections between Presence and Influence’, UN WOMEN Resources on Women, Peace and Security (New York: UN WOMEN, 2012)

UNIFEM. Getting it right, doing it right: gender and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (New York: UNIFEM, 2004)

UNIFEM. Securing the Peace: guiding the international community towards women’s effective participation throughout peace processes (New York: UNIFEM, 2005) 

Whitman, T. & Gomez, J. Strategies for Policymakers: bringing women into government (Institute for Inclusive Security, 2009)

Case study reading

Accord 23. Consolidating peace: Liberia and Sierra Leone, (Conciliation Resources, 2012)

Accord 8. Striking a balance: the Northern Ireland peace process (Conciliation Resources, 1999)

Aciro, K. ‘Child mothers in the Northern Uganda conflict’ in ACORD. A lost generation: young people and conflict in Africa (Nairobi, ACORD and DCI, 2007)

Fearon, K. Women’s Work – The Story of the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition (The Blackstaff Press, 1999)

Frederike Bubenezwer & Orly Stern (eds). Hope, Pain and Patience – the lives of women in South Sudan, (Fanele, 2011)

Frieson, K. The Role of Women’s Organisations in Post-Conflict Cambodia (Center for Development Information and Evaluation: USAID, 1998) []

Gardner, J. & El Bushra, J. (eds). Somalia – The Untold Story: the war through the eyes of Somali women (CIIR/ Pluto Press, 2004)

Hakena, K. Peace in Bougainville and the Work of the Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency (2001)

Kabahesi , P. ‘An Exploration Of Peace-Building Challenges Faced By Acholi Women In Gulu, Northern Uganda’, MPhil dissertation (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009)

Mazurana, D. & Carlsen, K. ‘From Combat to Community: Women and Girls of Sierra Leone’ Women Waging Peace, Policy Commission (The Hunt Alternatives Fund, 2004) 

McCartney, C. ‘Suspending Judgement: the politics of peacebuilding in Northern Ireland’, Accord 8 supplement (Conciliation Resources, 2003)

McGrew, L., Frieson, K. & Chan, S. ‘Good Governance from the Ground Up: Women’s Roles in Post-Conflict Cambodia’, Women Waging Peace, Policy Commission (The Hunt Alternatives Fund, 2004)

Regan, A.J. ‘The Bougainville Conflict: Political and Economic Agendas’ in Ballentine, K. & Sherman, J. (eds). The Political Economy of Armed Conflict: Beyond Greed and Grievance, (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003)

Siapno, J.A. ‘The Politics of Reconstruction, Gender, and Re-Integration in Post- Tsunami Aceh’, in de Alwis, M. & Hedman, E-L. Tsunami in a time of War- Aid, Activism and Reconstruction in Sri Lanka and Aceh (South Focus Press, 2009)

Sirivi, J.T. & Havini, M. (eds). As Mothers of the Land: The Birth of the Bougainville Women for Peace and Freedom (Pandanus Books, 2004)

Small Arms Survey. ‘No standing, few prospects – How peace is failing South Sudanese female combatants and WAAFG’ Sudan Issue Brief, Human Security Baseline Assessment (Small Arms Survey, 2008)

USIP. Gender and statebuilding in South Sudan (United States Institute of Peace, 2011)

USIP. Understanding Sudan and South Sudan’s cooperation agreements through a gender lens (United States Institute of Peace, 2012)

Warsame, A.M. ‘Queens Without Crowns – Somaliland Women’s Changing Roles and Peace Building’, Horn of Africa Series 4 (Kenya: Life & Peace Institute/ Somaliland Women’s Research and Action Group, 2001)

Warsame, F. ‘The Role of Women in Rebuilding Puntland, in Rebuilding Somalia: Issues and Possibilities for Puntland’, War Torn Societies Project, Somali Programme (London: Haan Associates & WSP, 2001)

Key Websites

Global Network of Women Peacebuilders

NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security 

Pathways to women’s empowerment (IDS)

Peacewomen guide to UNSCRs 

The PeaceWomen Project

UN Women

UN Women: Women, war and peace 

Women Waging Peace network