Terms of Reference for mid-term review and end of project evaluation 

Project: Integrating mental health in gender responsive peacebuilding in the Central African Republic (CAR)


In collaboration with its partners, Conciliation Resources is implementing an EU-funded project, Integrating mental health in gender responsive peacebuilding in the Central African Republic, which is running from June 2024 until November 2025. The project is piloting an approach in Bangui and Bossangoa that aims to establish mental health and psychosocial support mechanisms and processes that generate gender-responsive peacebuilding and reconciliation outcomes. 

Conciliation Resources is recruiting an external consultant to conduct a mid-term review in April - May 2025 and end of project evaluation six months later. The mid-term review will assess how project implementation is progressing in relation to the logic and assumptions underpinning its design, and provide recommendations for adaptation. The end of project evaluation will assess the impact and sustainability of the approach taken, and potential scalability. 


About Conciliation Resources

Conciliation Resources is an international organisation committed to stopping violent conflict and creating more peaceful societies. For 30 years we have worked with people impacted by war and violence, bringing diverse voices together to make change that lasts. We take what we learn to government decision-makers and others working to end conflict, to improve peacebuilding policies and practice worldwide. 

Conciliation Resources has been working with partners in the Central African Republic since 2010. Through this work we have identified the need for community level peacebuilding to take into account gender dynamics, spiritual beliefs, and cultural traditions in the provision of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) to women and men affected by violence and trauma. The current project is developing and testing a community-led mental health and psychosocial model that responds to this need. 


About the Project

This project aims to improve reconciliation processes in conflict and trauma-affected communities in Bangui and Bossangoa. There are four supporting sub-objectives: 

  1. Implementation of jointly developed community-level action plans which recognise the relevance of MHPSS in fostering peace and reconciliation;

  2. Increase the skills, confidence and consensus around gender-responsive and culturally grounded MHPSS among community leaders and those working on MHPSS at the community level;

  3. Strengthen communication channels between those implementing MHPSS, peacebuilding action plans and local healthcare representatives. 

  4. Increase the awareness of best practice in the implementation of culturally grounded and gender-responsive MHPSS among local, national and international government actors in CAR. 

The long-term goal of the project is to spread good practice and encourage uptake of a model of adaptable and effective MHPSS and peacebuilding in areas beyond the project locations. Lessons from the project will be disseminated in and beyond CAR to inform wider policy and practice on MHPSS and peacebuilding.

The project Theory of Change is set out in Annex A. 


4. Scope and objectives (Please check the TOR)

5. Inductive approach (Please check the TOR)

6. Deliverables (Please check the TOR)

7. Administration and consultancy management (Please check the TOR)

Consultant Specification 


  • Experience of researching or evaluating peacebuilding, mediation or conflict resolution projects and programmes

  • Sound knowledge and understanding of culturally sensitive MHPSS approaches, preferably in conflict-affected environments

  • Experience in drawing actionable lessons and recommendations for programming

  • Experience in working with confidentiality with people and communities affected by conflict and trauma 

  • Commitment to gender and cultural sensitivity 

  • Good spoken French 

  • Strong verbal and written English language skills

  • Good Interpersonal skills and ability to establish strong working relationships


  • Engaging with qualitative data produced through adaptive evaluation methods

  • Experience working in or on Central African Republic


How to apply

Application process 

To apply, please submit a proposal, including (i) short narrative (1 side A4 maximum) detailing your suitability for and approach to the assignment; (ii) financial proposal for the assignment; (iii) CV (2-side maximum). 

If applying as a team, please include a CV for each team member. 

Conciliation Resources has a maximum budget for the consultancy of GBP 11,500. Conciliation Resources will cover all travel-related costs, including visa, flights, hotels, food (please do not include these costs in your proposal). In your financial proposal please include only fees for delivering the above activities. Conciliation Resources will cover the costs of the local researcher and their work in Bossangoa. 

All proposals should be emailed to recruitment@c-r.org. The deadline for receipt of proposals is 18.00 GMT (London) on 11 March 2025. 

Should you wish to discuss the role prior to application, our East and Central Africa team will be happy to speak with interested parties. Please contact: ktumutegyereize@c-r.org



  • Application deadline: 11 March 2025

  • Interviews: Week of 17 March 2025

  • Work commences 24 March 2025

  • Contract completion 31 May 2025

Note - only shortlisted persons will be contacted.

Download for this role: Terms of Reference