News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

January 2011
The Swiss Embassy in London co-hosted a dinner with Conciliation Resources (CR), as a pre-launch for the latest Accord - Paix sans frontières: building peace across borders. Around 20 London-based ambassadors and senior diplomats attended the dinner.
January 2011
Conciliation Resources this week launched its latest Accord publication, number 22 in the series – Paix sans frontières: building peace across borders. Highlighting 20 different case studies, this publication looks at how peacebuilding strategies can think outside of the state.
October 2010

Two Conciliation Resources partners, from either side of the Line of Control in Kashmir, discuss how a recently opened trade route across the Line of Control is helping to build peace among communities in Kashmir.

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January 1970

Лали Григолава выросла в Гальском районе Абхазии. Во время войны 92-93 годов она лишилась родного дома и теперь живет в компактном центре проживания ВПЛ.


Visaka Dharmadasa is a member of the Women Mediators across the Commonwealth (WMC) network, and Chair of the Association of War Affected Women and Parents of Servicemen Missing in Action.

Ezabir Ali has sought to break through barriers of mistrust in Jammu and Kashmir and, subsequently, helped to instigate and facilitate a number of discussions for women in the region.

Historia del conflicto en Colombia

Esma who is Georgian and Anzhela from Abkhazia, travelled to London to take part in internships with Conciliation Resources and share their experiences as participants on the Young Dialogue project.
Southern Sudan has suffered from decades of conflict, including the brutal civil war between North and South and clashes between Southern tribes. Since the 1990s Sudan has experienced the presence of the Lord’s Resistance Army, which has led to years of violence and abductions of Southern Sudanese children. Jim Long John works with the Totto Chan Centre for Child Trauma, in Juba, rehabilitating abductees of the LRA and child soldiers from the Sudan People’s Liberation Army.
Sulong CARHRIHL supports & sustains the peace process between the Government & the National Democratic Front by providing avenues for dialogue.
One of the main causes of religious tensions in the central Nigerian city of Jos is growing youth militancy. Conciliation Resources is supporting an initiative that works with at-risk youth to transform them from aggressors of violence to facilitators of peace.
Pawan Bali is a journalist working in Delhi, India. Here she gives the inside story about her collaboration with Mohammad Arif Urfi on their documentary film A Journey Through River Vitasta. Describing the communication and travel barriers they had to overcome to produce the first ever joint film on Kashmir, she highlights the lessons they've taken from working together across the Line of Control.