News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

April 2018
The ongoing instability in the Central African Republic (CAR) is not a religious conflict. There are undoubtedly some religious elements to it, but the popular story that it is an intractable war of Muslims versus Christians – of former Séléka rebels versus anti-Balaka vigilantes – is far too simplistic.
March 2018
In light of the revelations about abuse and exploitation within aid and development, Conciliation Resources welcomes the increased attention on this important issue. We also support the International Development Secretary in her drive to improve safeguarding across the sector.
March 2018
Conflict analysis is all about deepening one’s understanding of a conflict and the broader context in which it is situated. Good conflict analysis is sensitive to relations of power – including gender.
March 2018

Despite being disproportionately affected by the conflict in Colombia, the voices of indigenous women are often not heard. Over the past year, alongside our Colombian partner CIASE, Conciliation Resources has been working to establish and support a network of indigenous women to play a fundamental role in the country’s peace process.

March 2018

This month, a meeting of the global Mediation Support Network explored the roles mediation and mediation support can play, once a peace agreement has been signed. Felix Colchester outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for mediation in this phase of a peace agreement.

March 2018

A pesar de que las mujeres indígenas se vieron seriamente afectadas por el conflicto en Colombia, sus voces no siempre son escuchadas. Durante todo el año pasado, Conciliation Resources trabajó mancomunadamente con su socio colombiano CIASE para establecer y apoyar una red de mujeres indígenas capaces de desempeñar un papel fundamental en el proceso de paz del país.

March 2018

Julienne Mouala first learnt about child psychology when she started working as a young teacher at a school in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR). Now she helps young people affected by the conflict.

March 2018

Conciliation Resources will be welcoming mediation support experts from more than 20 organisation from around the globe to London from 5 March, for the annual meeting of the Mediation Support Network (MSN).

February 2018
Conciliation Resources welcomed partners from across our global programmes to London in February for a three-day workshop to discuss the way we, and other peacebuilding organisations, understand and practice partnerships.
February 2018
Last week the Colombian government announced it is suspending peace talks with the country’s second largest rebel group, the National Liberation Army (ELN). Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said talks were suspended because of a ‘lack of coherence on the part of the ELN between its words and actions’ after attacks were carried out by the group in the north of the country. 
February 2018

In the last ten years, around 7,600 people have been abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army. Our partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo are helping those returning from captivity to reconnect with their communities and lead local peacebuilding initiatives.

February 2018
In the last ten years, around 7,600 people have been abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army. Our partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo are helping those returning from captivity to reconnect with their communities and lead local peacebuilding initiatives.