News and Insight

Our staff and partners draw on decades of experience, understanding and analysis to make peace possible. As well as news, see their latest thoughtful insights covering violent conflict, peacebuilding, and global events.

May 2020

Every year, the months of January-April are crowded with traumatic commemorations in both Armenian and Azerbaijani national calendars. Seeing the bitter online exchanges during this time, one could be forgiven for thinking that history should be left alone. 

Yet societies affected by violence need an internal dialogue on the violent past. Many conflicts generate complex combinations of victims and perpetrators, necessitating difficult conversations for post-war societies on how they distinguish right and wrong – even under the most extraordinary circumstances imposed by war. This imperative is reflected in the fact that reconciliation is no longer seen in peacebuilding practice as a utopian aspiration or a ‘soft’ add-on. Questioning how its history is transmitted – what is foregrounded and whose voices are omitted – is healthy for any nation. This is all the more relevant in the South Caucasus today as a new generation with no memory of 1990s violence grows up.

April 2020
As the current pandemic escalates, peacebuilders in various conflict-affected locations are finding creative ways to adapt and continue their work. Not only that, but they are also helping to prevent the virus exacerbating existing tensions, and are at the frontline of responding to the crisis.
April 2020

Conciliation Resources is joining leading mediation and peace support organisations to establish a range of measures which ensure their work is complementary and collaborative. The following statement of intent has been agreed with the Berghof Foundation, the Carter Center, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, CITpax, CMI, European Institute of Peace, Forward Thinking, Inter Mediate, and Sant'egidio.

April 2020

As COVID-19 takes hold in the UK and elsewhere, we’re being asked to put our faith in our government, our health officials and security services. To put our lives on hold, to stay at home, and to trust that this is the best way to slow the spread of the disease. It’s hard to overstate how important this trust is, because in West Africa we experienced what happens when this trust isn’t there – and just how vital local peacebuilders are for building a bridge between communities and government institutions.

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March 2020

Twenty five years ago, Conciliation Resources began with two second-hand computers and a shared office space. We might have grown to over 60 staff, but our core principle remains that people living in areas of violent conflict should be involved in its resolution. In this film, our founders Andy Carl and David Lord discuss their vision for Conciliation Resources when the organisation first began, what changes they’ve seen over the past 25 years and why they think peacebuilding is more important than ever.

March 2020

mediatEUr’s SEO Kathrin Quesada took the floor on Wednesday evening as a panellist for an engaging discussion on international mediation in intractable conflicts. She appeared alongside EIP’s Senior Advisor Hilde Johnson at the Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP) organised event.

March 2020

Women’s involvement in peace processes is vital for sustainable peace. But, in peace processes between 1992 and 2018, women represented only 3% of mediators, 4% of signatories and 12% of negotiators. Women Mediators across the Commonwealth (WMC) is a network that brings together women from different backgrounds and with different experiences of mediating conflict to learn from each other. The network advocates for greater recognition of the crucial work done by women mediators at all levels - from the local to the global.

February 2020

mediatEUr has worked to support peace processes since 2007 and provides conflict prevention and mediation support to the European External Action Service (EEAS). We strongly advocate for creative and inclusive peace processes that generate sustainable outcomes. Our “VOICES of Syria” project was devised in 2019 to connect the voices of Syrian refugees to the processes determining the conditions and visions for peace in Syria.

February 2020
Explore our interactive infographic to find out more about how to support women's meaningful participation in peace.
February 2020

In its 2019 Annual Report, mediatEUr sets out what has been a productive year of growth for the organisation but also one of loss with the passing of Luis Peral, an integral member and lead on our VOICES of Syria project.

February 2020

Bossangoa is adjusting to a new era of peace. The town, situated in the north west of Central African Republic, lies 300 kilometers from the capital Bangui, where one year ago today, the Government signed a peace deal with the leaders of 14 armed groups. It was the latest in a succession of peace deals since 2013, but unlike its predecessors, where ceasefires were broken in a matter of months, this deal is making some headway.

February 2020
Hadiza is from Bama, a town in northeast Nigeria. When her husband died during the Boko Haram insurgency she was devastated. Since joining a women-only storytelling space she has gained the confidence to speak out about her experiences, and advocate for changes in her community.