"Transforming relationships is not simply a post-conflict endeavour but a continuous process that can start at an earlier stage, before a formal settlement."
Conciliation Resources has published their third Accord Insight, examining the importance of transforming relationships in peace processes. The publication reflects on the practical approaches and challenges to addressing the legacies of violent conflict, including various activities intended to promote reconciliation, support justice and deal with the past.
In addition to expert opinion and analysis, this Accord Insight includes four case studies from the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, Colombia, Mindanao (Philippines) and Northern Ireland. They are sequential, guiding readers through different stages of a peace process from before a peace deal has been signed to the long-term consolidation of a peace agreement. These case studies all stress the importance of building new relationships in peace processes: horizontally, between conflict parties and groups in society; and vertically, between citizens and state institutions. The publication explores whether different phases and circumstances of a peace process imply different types of reconciliation methods.
The Accord series is produced by Conciliation Resources to inform and strengthen peace processes by documenting and analysing the practical lessons and innovations of peacebuilding. This publication has drawn on participatory activities, such as a Joint Analysis Workshop (see Workshop Report: Peacebuilding and Reconciliation, Conciliation Resources 2016) and other forms of consultation.