A graphic showing the International Women's Day banner with the hashtags IWD2024 and Inspire Inclusion alongside an image of a group of people holding course certificates

What does it truly mean to inspire inclusion?

Inspiring inclusion goes beyond recognition - it's about embracing diversity, agency and women's exisiting resilience, not just on International Women's Day 2024, but every day thereafter.

International Women's Day stands as a global celebration of women's achievements in social, economic, cultural, and political realms. Each year, it serves as a poignant reminder of strides made toward gender equality while spotlighting the ongoing journey ahead.


Women peacebuilders in Fiji

#InspireInclusion today

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The 2024 theme of "Inspire Inclusion" amplifies the significance of diversity and fostering agency across all spheres of society, recognising that gender inclusivity extends to men, masculinities, and the intersections of gender with other aspects of identity. This year's theme underscores the pivotal role inclusion plays in realising gender equality. It urges collective action to dismantle barriers, challenge stereotypes, and cultivate environments where every individual, regardless of gender, is esteemed and respected. "Inspire Inclusion" calls upon us all to acknowledge and embrace the myriad perspectives and contributions of women, men, youth, people with disabilities, and those from marginalised communities towards greater inclusion of women. 

In the context of peacebuilding, International Women's Day takes on added significance. It serves as a rallying point to recognise the invaluable contributions of women as agents of change and peacemakers in their communities. Achieving true inclusion requires a whole-of-community effort, where everyone is actively engaged in the journey towards equality. By inspiring inclusion, we not only honour their tireless efforts but also pave the way for a more just, equitable, and peaceful world.

Together for Peace: Berghof Foundation and Conciliation Resources on peace and gender

To celebrate International Women's Day 2024 Conciliation Resources and the Berghof Foundation hosted a YouTube livestream delving into the crucial topic of gender-inclusive peace processes and the role collaboration of peacebuilding organisations can play in offering support. The conversation features Esther Hodges, Conciliation Resources Senior Gender Advisor and Berghof Foundation Project Manager Claudia Almeida Cruz in conversation to kick off the week of International Women's Day. 

Women and mediation in Afghanistan: Innovating for influence

This article from our latest Accord delves into the crucial role played by Afghan women in peacemaking efforts within Afghanistan's intricate socio-political environment. Through an interview with Dr. Habiba Sarabi, the article sheds light on innovative strategies employed by women to exert influence and foster peace amidst ongoing conflict. It explores the challenges faced, resilience shown, and aspirations held by Afghan women in their pursuit of a more inclusive and peaceful future for their country.

VONA Talks Podcast: Gender and cultural identity dynamics within the climate and conflict nexus 

Revisit a conversation on VONA Talks featuring Gabriel Nuckhir, our Gender and Peacebuilding Adviser. Discover insights from collaborative projects in Pakistan, Uganda, and the Philippines, unravelling the complex connections between gender dynamics, climate change, and conflict in these regions.

What are gender responsive and transformative approaches and how can they strengthen peacebuilding? Lessons from Nigeria

Discover how gender-responsive and transformative approaches are making a significant impact on peacebuilding efforts in northeast Nigeria. The article sheds light on the innovative strategies being used to foster inclusivity and sustainability in communities affected by insurgencies.

Innovation in response to resistance: Women’s inclusion in peace mediation

This article from our latest Accord explores the persistent challenges and innovative strategies in advancing women's participation in peace processes. Through interviews with women negotiators and mediators across different conflict contexts, various types of resistance behaviour, ranging from implicit biases to explicit opposition and coercive threats, are examined. Strategies to overcome resistance, including confrontational and collaborative approaches, are discussed, emphasising the importance of tailored responses to different forms of resistance and the potential for innovative solutions to drive progress in inclusive peace mediation.

Gender, cultural identity, conflict and climate change report

Read our report on the intersection of gender, cultural identity, conflict, and climate change. Despite their clear connections, understanding how these factors interact in practice has been limited. This report offers valuable insights from Uganda, Pakistan-administered Kashmir, and the Philippines, shedding light on the complexities of these issues. Download the report here and join us in advancing gender-inclusive approaches to address the climate crisis and peace.

The contribution and potential of the women, peace and security agenda

This article from our latest Accord showcases the challenges and strategies in peace mediation amidst conflicts like those in Afghanistan, Gaza, and Sudan. Despite resistance, the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, initiated by UN Security Council Resolution 1325, remains pivotal for innovative peacemaking. Women's contributions to sustainable peace are increasingly recognised, yet they face obstacles in being relegated to 'women's issues'. Implementing the WPS agenda necessitates systemic practices to ensure inclusivity and prioritise women peacebuilders' expertise.

Habiba Sarabi, flanked by security during her time as Governor of Bamiyan Province, Afghanistan, 2009
Habiba Sarabi during her time as Governor of Bamiyan Province, Afghanistan, 2009. © Veronique de Viguerie/ Edit by Getty Images