We are delighted to announce that Conciliation Resources’ Chief Executive, Andy Carl, has been awarded the Eric Lane Visiting Fellowship at Clare College, Cambridge. The Fellowship for the Easter term and coincides with his sabbatical for the same period.
The purpose of the Visiting Fellowship is to to give an individual working at the 'coal face' in the peacebuilding field a period of time away from it for study, writing and reflection in a way that might enrich their work in the future.
Andy says,
Clare College, Cambridge, is providing me with a wonderful opportunity to take part, as the Eric Lane Visiting Fellow, in an ancient and living institution (founded in 1326) for this Easter Term. It is a real reminder of the value and importance of finding ways of better bridging the NGO-practitioner and academic worlds, mixing across disciplines and enriching our shared interests and contributing to new thinking.
Previous holders of the Fellowship have been from very diverse backgrounds, from prison governorship to reconciliation in Yugoslavia and in the Middle East and include a young woman helping asylum seekers find their way through British bureaucracy.