Conflict - look closer

To mark UN International Day of Peace and the 20th Anniversary of Conciliation Resources, we launched a new animation, Conflict – Look Closer which calls for a commitment to investing in peacebuilding alternatives to prevent and resolve violent conflict. 


Invest in peace for the long term

One in four people in the world – more than 1.5 billion – live in fragile and conflict affected situations.

The World Bank

Conflicts in Ukraine, Iraq, Syria and the Middle East may claim the media headlines today but beyond the media spotlight, millions live every day with violent and intractable conflicts and their consequences. 

Peoples have a right to peace

That right is enshrined in the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. But international approaches by governments and multilateral institutions rely on the same, predominantly military, responses which fail time and again to protect vulnerable populations. Nor do these responses deliver lasting peace. 

Conflict situations are poorly understood, their dynamics over-simplified, their root causes overlooked and the solutions short-term. Those most affected by conflict too rarely get a say or a stake in its resolution. 

Building peace takes commitment and creativity. We need to avoid quick fixes and work with long-term perspectives. People need to appreciate the complexities of conflict, and be prepared to commit serious resources to dialogue and mediation.

Andy Carl, Executive Director, Conciliation Resources

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