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The project has been called the ‘facilitator of facilitators’ for its role in exploring a common understanding of dialogue and fostering cooperation, and has been acknowledged by Ukrainian dialogue practitioners as a useful tool for the development of their practice.

The broader view of the project relates to how dialogue can help deal with the consequences of the armed conflict in the East and the many internal challenges facing Ukrainian authorities and civil society. In this sense, the platform seeks:

  • to give more visibility to dialogue work in Ukraine,
  • to give more sustainability to dialogue initiatives,
  • to demonstrate positive results from dialogue efforts to Ukrainians and internationals,
  • and to develop vertical links between authorities and civil society as well as assisting the promotion of a culture of dialogue in Ukraine.

For a detailed background of the project, see the September 2015 report.

In 2021, mediatEUr became Conciliation Resources EU/mediatEUr.