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2016 was also a wake-up year in so many respects. Not more than 900 meters away from our office, at the Maelbeek metro station, a bomb killed people just after another one went off at the Brussels airport; the fear associated with terrorism and conflict is now also close to us. It made us realise that, indeed, peacemaking begins at home, leading us to propose a peacebuilding project in our neighbourhood but also to take stock of what we do and how we do it.

Our 2016 Annual Report is a recollection of a year where we faced terror at our doorstep, fought to keep dialogue for peace alive, and continued doing what we believe we do best: be creative, be open, and be sharing. This report includes description of mediatEUr’s activities, a summary, and membership and financial information for the year 2016. Read on to find out more.

In 2021, mediatEUr became Conciliation Resources EU/mediatEUr.