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Peacebuilding and conflict resolution organisations have worked to address structural inequalities and power dynamics core to gender inequality in the contexts in which they are working. Yet there has been limited focus on how gender equality is incorporated into the governance and operational aspects of these institutions.
Practitioners grappling with these challenges have developed a wealth of expertise and experience. To capture this wisdom, Conciliation Resources and CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation in collaboration with PeaceNexus convened discussions on the lessons learned so far in integrating gender into peacebuilding and conflict resolution organisations.
There is an inherent tension in pushing for gender inclusion in programmes if at the same time organisations fail to challenge their own patriarchal and exclusionary internal practices. To effect transformative change, peacebuilding organisations need to be prepared to undertake fundamental changes to their practices, not only tinker at the edges. This report serves as a call to action for our sector with examples of key dilemmas and what concrete steps can be taken.
This report has been co-authored by 13 international peacebuilding and conflict prevention organisations: Conciliation Resources, CMI - Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, PeaceNexus, Sasakawa Peace Foundation; International Alert; Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica (CIASE); Masarat – The Palestinian Center for Policy Research & Strategic Studies; European Institute of Peace (EIP); Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz (Serapaz); Berghof Foundation; International Crisis Group (ICG); and Saferworld.