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Looking at 62 peace agreements in 38 peace processes from June 2008 to May 2012, one cannot avoid the fact that, twelve years after adopting UNSCR 1325, most peace agreements and official peace processes still do not capture gender-specific concerns and women's needs and interests. In most peace agreements, references to WPS frameworks remain unsubstantial and abstract.

The final dataset compiled includes 62 peace agreements in 38 peace processes signed in 29 countries between June 2008 and April 2012. Four (7%) of the peace agreements are inter-state agreements, and fifty-eight (93%) are intra-state agreements. A total of seventeen agreements (27%) are ceasefires/cessations of hostilities agreements.

What is clear from the review of existing literature, analysis of agreements and specific peace processes, is that there is no single most important factor that enables or hinders the effective participation of women in peace processes than the gender-sensitivity of peace agreements. Rather, there are a number of necessary conditions that on their own may be insufficient, but in interaction with other factors can increase the likelihood of positive outcomes.

In 2021, mediatEUr became Conciliation Resources EU/mediatEUr.