Bernard Rougier


Bernard Rougier

Bernard Rougier is a specialist in Middle Eastern Studies. He has been Assistant Professor of Political Science at Clermont-Ferrand University, Sciences Po, Paris and Saint Joseph University, Beirut. He is the author of Everyday Jihad: the Rise of Radical Islam among Palestinians in Lebanon (Harvard University Press, 2007) and L’Oumma en fragments (Presses Universitaires de France, 2011). He is currently Director of the Cairo-based Centre d’Études et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales. 

Read more from Bernard:

Accord Issue 24: Lebanon

Bernard Rougier is a contributor to our Accord publication series and not a staff member of Conciliation Resources. The views expressed in the publication are their own and do not reflect the position of Conciliation Resources. We cannot share contributors' contact details.